With confidence

(even if don't have experience)
An intuitive approach meets digital marketing to create your dream business + life.


Join Geo Kershaw, Founder of Evolve, to learn the S³ Business Method.


Access to the TBM vault material for your shifts, systems + support. 


Plug and play with the support of your weekly coaching sessions.


Celebrate the wins and enjoy the growth, track + thrive.

Building a business can be hard...

but what if it could feel




There's a million different ways to build a business + get clients these days.

And it's getting harder to know who to listen to.

The question is always: 

"where do I even get started?"

Real talk: Though it's not always easy feeling stuck in a loop of overwhelm and confusion,

(been there!)...

When you decide on a course of action, it's actually simpler than what you think.

The hard part is knowing how to choose YOUR unique path, having ALL the tools you need + someone to help UNLOCK the business potential that already exists inside of you. 

That's why I developed the S³ Business Method in Evolve.
Let's be honest:

Too many women fail to launch...

And if you're feeling like one of them, it's not your fault.  

So many "experts" share contradictory advice to "do this", but "beware of that"... 

It can be hard to sift through all the noise of the digital age we're living in and see the full picture of what it is you actually need.

So it feels safer to stay stuck.

When really all that is likely missing are one or more of these key things.

1. Internal GPS

You've forgotten how to trust yourself. You're a creative person with so much potential locked up inside but you're getting stuck in an exhausting loop of self-doubt and procrastination. Maybe even staying busy but not productive. Poor self-compassion programming, belief systems + internal stories are the culprit. Couple that with today's messaging telling us we should be doing better than what we are, and you have a recipe for feeling cut off from your own ability to connect with your internal GPS. The one that knows the right path, for you.

 2. Skillset

Instead of imposter syndrome, let's call it "still learning to walk". It's true that if you're new to business you're in for a wild ride. You can expect major learning curves. Skillset requires all the moving parts for the whole machine to work and more importantly doing those few things well. But you struggle to know what you're missing. You'll wear more than one hat...and probably come out of your wheelhouse to understand the fundamentals of an online business. It's never fun, to feel like a beginner again.

3. Reassurance

You wonder, "will it even work?". You don't know what you don't know and it's scary stepping out of the comfort zone. And when it seems like you could be the only person in your network going for your dreams, it's isolating and uncertain. You may even want to hide what you're working on for fear of being judged by people around you. You wish you could have someone ahead of you to validate, "you're nearly there, keep going."

...Sound familiar?


Can I just say... I feel ya.

Hey, it's me. Georgia Kershaw. 

Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Marketing Business Major + all-round creative, curious  CEO mama combining my understanding of human behavior with digital marketing to support massive shifts within creative women in business.

My programs + resources have been designed to restructure, embed and fire off internal systems which do 80% of the heavy-lifting when it comes to achieving business success.

It wasn't always like this for me.

I'd spent a good part of a decade 'failing up' and tens of thousands of dollars investing in what I'd learned. And even after all that, it still was like I had one foot on the pedal and one on the brake. Until I discovered the missing piece..


Imagine what you could do if you felt 100% unlocked?

Wanna know the craziest thing?

With the blueprint I now use for my business + life, everything changed for me. 

I used to feel crippled by fear (sharing my thoughts + opinions, speaking on stage) but after applying what I learned, my fear completely dissipated.

It was like all the mental blocks had completely been wiped clean - and I got to rewrite the code.

For creative souls like us - you know how major it is to feel that free.

The secret I discovered was a powerful but effective programming method that I applied to my business + life. It can simply be applied to anybody.

Combined with my knowledge + skillset in marketing, that's exactly what I'm going to be teaching you in Evolve so you can start and grow your own creative business too.

Let's do this!


The feminine way...

has a few key elements.

Unlock Full Expression...

The attunement + alignment formula is an unlocking process for the women who experience feeling stuck in the beginning phases of business, those who struggle with clarity and knowing what they have to offer the world.

Inspired action...

All the technical skills you MUST have to run a profitable business like your Attraction Marketing Method, building out your Sales Engine, Systems + more. But done without grinding gears + buying in to hustle culture.

Creating from a place of ease + flow...

Emanate higher creative energy + flow states from a place you can tap into easily and at command. Like you get to do your favorite thing on earth. Learn this approach and you'll create experiences within your life + business that are unique and incredibly magnetic.

The Art of Allowing...

Every creator needs white space - The time to recover, relax, reinvest, reimagine, rediscover, reinvigorate, reinvent and receive. Here is the room we leave for miracles to happen. Having a support team and network for maintenance is crucial. And knowing how to pull yourself away - paramount.

8 Weeks | Group Coaching | Signature Program

Creative. Intuitive. Marketing.

For the first time ever, Georgia Kershaw will be opening up on the Creativity Blueprint + Intuitive Programming that she uses in her own life + business.

In Evolve, you'll get a comprehensive look at the S³ Business Method™ she designed along with every template to unlock the intuitive genius within, get your creative ideas + business off the ground.

When you join the program you'll:
  • Get eight extensive Coaching Sessions with Geo Kershaw where you'll be able to learn + apply the S³ Business Method™ to your business. 
  • Access eight weekly modules with Video Trainings, Audio + Checklists to help you achieve the shifts, build the systems + have the support to run your business smoothly.
  • Join a community of creative business women, forge strong connections and collaborate with people who know what you're feeling.
+ these bonuses...
  • Evolve Scale Suite Accelerator Program
  • Access to Evolve's Entire Marketing Vault with over $30K Worth of Products, Templates, Scripts, Playbooks, Audio & Trainings on everything that you'll need to create, launch and deliver.
  • Additional 12 months Access to Evolve Support
  • Special pricing on all future in-person events
  • Life-time Access to your member's area + products.
When you enroll in Evolve...

Here's what you'll discover:

Intuitive Programming

Combining Neuro-Linguistic-Programming with other techniques + healing modalities to unlock high-performing capacities and increase your container around having your dream life + biz. Improving EQ, identity shifts + regulation so the journey can actually be one you enjoy.

Creativity Mapping 

Your very own creative studio. Like a think-tank + test lab for all the innate brilliance and fresh-out-the-shower ideas. This is a research phase. For developing a unique brand, learning how to write, think + act in line with the people you want to serve, ensure a great offer + market fit.

Your Business Systems

Think of it as your CEO Dashboard + Executive Control System. Simple but necessary pillars to run + operate your business.  From all the tech stuff like creating your Website, Funnels, CRM, to Getting Visibility, Your Sales Process + Tracking.

Everyday you get to create your own reality. 

But if the creative ideas never make it out of the shower, you're afraid of your own power + light and you hold back on taking action on building your business because you're just not sure how... take heart.

You can get paid to do what you love. 

You just need the right strategy to unlock and unleash the business potential already inside.

That's exactly what you'll get in Evolve.

S³ Business Method

Learn Georgia's exact method for creating huge identity shifts, getting creative clarity + combining it with basic principles to streamline through your own business + life. 

Intuitive Programming Hub

A process involving Neuro-Linguistic-Programming + other healing modalities to bypass old limitations + rewrite more empowering codes. Instantly notice calling more wealth + abundance into your life.

Creativity Mapping Studio

Georgia's lifelong creative process that will serve you with ideation, designing your brand strategy, writing copy, creating your offer, crafting your message, finding your voice + expressing your style.

Evolve Marketing Vault

Cut, copy, paste + plug into your business - everything you need to know about your marketing + sales engine. From the top of your funnel to deliverables. This is where you can learn how to launch to get your first sale over the line even without an audience. Here is where you'll find what you need.

Weekly Group Coaching

Weekly group coaching sessions with Georgia, Evolve Coaches + Industry experts to go in deep on the module for the week. Get live feedback on your progress, screen share + hot-seat style Q&A's.

Evolve Private Community

It's important to stay in touch with people who know what this journey's about, collaborate, connect, get the support you need. Your private community + student lounge is the place to be for high-level peer support.

All for just $997

(For a program worth well over $30K)
PSA: Price increase happening soon.
Secure the lowest price it's ever been before it goes up.


I knew it was the best investment I’d ever made in my life. Def recommend for anyone struggling to know exactly how to put yourself out there and get clients.


If anyone feels like stuck and they can’t take the first steps building their business or getting clients, my advice is to go through this program. INVALUABLE.


From sleepless nights to having a process I can walk my customers through seamlessly. I have a business I actually love and the energy is contagious.

You've got something they don't.

It's just somewhere along the way, you forgot how unique you actually are. 

1:400,000,000,000 to be precise.

And yes, someone would pay you for what you have to offer the world - (ask the girl who built a six-figure business teaching people how to drink more water.)

Each day can be a gift but for some reason you lost touch with the magic that is you + got stuck in the monotony of life + responsibilities.

I've always believed in the power of identity shifts.

It's like a coming home + deep remembering of who you truly are. 

You'll see everything that once held you back just won't exist anymore.

You can access that in Evolve.

Are you ready to get back to the creative soul you were born to be?

Good, now let's put it into a business model so you can experience the impact of sharing your gifts with the world + build the business + life of your dreams.

Sign me up

I had you in mind when designing this program if:

You're working in a 9-5 but you're not feeling alive. You wish you could pivot into something wildly different, but you're not sure what or how. You wish someone could come along and show you how to tap into your creative flow + hand you a proven turn-key business doing that thing you love. Something that gets you clients and out of the grind as soon as possible.

You're a busy mom with lots of passion but no outlet for your own creativity. It'd be nice to bring in an extra income and have something for yourself too. You wish someone could help connect, support + guide you while you rediscover new parts of yourself and  balance motherhood too. Make it simple + fit into the flow of your life.

You're a multi-passionate individual who can do a million things at once, but it doesn't take long before you find the next shiny object. You wish someone could come along and help you make the shifts that will guarantee success so you can get off the exhausting loop of self-sabotage + uncertainty.

You know you have a creative message inside of you, but you're just not sure how to foster it and bring it out into the open with a business yet... and the thought of hitting the live button has you terrified of being seen. You wish someone could teach you how to develop unshakeable confidence + self-belief so you can step into the role you know was meant for you.

You've got a business but you never know where your next clients are coming from. You wish someone could come along and give you the frameworks + systems that you can cut, copy and paste into your own business to have clients + revenue turning out predictably every single month.

To be unique requires courageous shifts because 

"Creativity is seeing what others see + thinking what others never thought."

- Albert Einstein


And discover your own business potential, creative zone of genius and intuitive guidance. Of course, you'll get all the shifts, the systems + the support to help you take necessary steps closer to the dream.

All for just $997

(For a program worth well over $30K)
PSA: Price increase happening soon.
Secure the lowest price it's ever been before it goes up.

What's inside Evolve 🤍☕️📆

A quick word from the Founder Geo Kershaw on all the details inside Evolve.


All for just $997

(For a program worth well over $30K)
PSA: Price increase happening soon.
Secure the lowest price it's ever been before it goes up.